What is Noorani Qaida? why do we need to learn Noorani Qaida 1st Before starting Quran book?
Noorani Qaida actually basic learning method of Reading. Many people start kids teaching Quran in Rush
and not teach them noorani Qaida in the result kids make lots of mistakes while reading of Holy Quran so it has been
concluded that if you want to teach them Real tajweed and MAKHARAJ OF Holy Quran then teach them 30 pages
of Noorani qaida its not to time taking courses. it take almost 2 or 3 months after that kids can read 60% to 70% Arabic
so thats the beauty of Noorani qaida bOOK: in Noorani qaida book we teach All rules and sounds properly after that we start
Teaching HolY Quran: Noorani Qaida reading pointing out towards great future of your kids so be part of our institute today.